While I keep trying to finish my crazy long season finale podcast (I'm off tomorrow, so some major develpments should take place), here's some exciting news.
Josh, a.k.a. Spivy (whom you may know from the crowd on Big O's live shows), shared my wonderous idea of rewatching the series over the summer, because its a show that needs to be rewatched. We decided that it would be fun to do it sort of like (and this is my retarded anaology...) a book club. I'll post a schedule here, and if you'd like you can watch the episodes and join us live. The shows will be Thursday nights at 10 p.m., and you can join in on Talkshoe.
Tomorrow night will be our first episode (as of now), so please stop by! Even if you haven't rewatched the episode, I think the Pilot is a pretty memorable episode, so any comments are welcome! We're just gonna re-live the sheer awesomeness that is season one. Drop in - it'll be a party <3
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Friends don't let friends theorize at 4 a.m.
I hope no one read this earlier, because I was muy incorrecto. That IS in fact John Locke. What happens is it shows him from inside the cabin, then they have to completely change cameras due to the fact that there's a wall there and they can't rotate the shot.
Then we see him in the chair, but you knew that already. I still think the face of the shape looks like Terry O'Quinn, but it also vaguely reminds me of a ton of other people :
And now that I see it again, I'm not one hundred percent convinced on the eye - I suppose it COULD be Ben's. If you look at him in this scene (after Locke says "you're crazy), his eyes seemsomewhat darker than usual, I'm not sure if its contacts or bad lighting (though Locke's eyes don't seem affected...). The way it cuts it very strange, because it starts on a shot of Ben...so its another case of a double shot...the camera work in this scene was very...strange. Remniscent of something, but I couldn't put my finger on what....
I didn't notice the sound effects - when Ben gets thrown into the wall, it sounds an awful lot like a gunshot - foreshadowing?
I have to note that playwithtv has Locke moved into the deceased alliance already - yeah right (unfortunately)!
Thanks SO much to tightfade on youtube for that graet quality clip!
Then we see him in the chair, but you knew that already. I still think the face of the shape looks like Terry O'Quinn, but it also vaguely reminds me of a ton of other people :
And now that I see it again, I'm not one hundred percent convinced on the eye - I suppose it COULD be Ben's. If you look at him in this scene (after Locke says "you're crazy), his eyes seemsomewhat darker than usual, I'm not sure if its contacts or bad lighting (though Locke's eyes don't seem affected...). The way it cuts it very strange, because it starts on a shot of Ben...so its another case of a double shot...the camera work in this scene was very...strange. Remniscent of something, but I couldn't put my finger on what....
I didn't notice the sound effects - when Ben gets thrown into the wall, it sounds an awful lot like a gunshot - foreshadowing?
I have to note that playwithtv has Locke moved into the deceased alliance already - yeah right (unfortunately)!
Thanks SO much to tightfade on youtube for that graet quality clip!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
What the heck, one ***SPOILER*** to grow on!
So here's the latest from Ausiello, and you can bet there's one thing I'm focusing on!
Question: Thanks for the Lost scoop last week. But I am a greedy bugger, and will take the words out of Oliver Twist's mouth: I want some more!— Benjamin Fleming
Ausiello: And more you shall get, BF. Lost's streak of mind-blowing episodes continues tonight with "The Brig," the much ballyhooed "non-flashback" outing penned by Team Darlton. But I have to warn you, it's a dark hour, punctuated by one of the (spoiler alert) most, um, twisted Lost deaths ever.
It has to be Cooper - the big question is who pulls the proverbial (or literal..) trigger? My money is on Locke, but how twisted could it be? What could be more twisted than Nikki being buried alive? Twisted a word that I really like, and "dark" usually spells "amazing" in my book....and I like how, even though I know these spoilers, my jaw will still be on the ground at the end of the episode. ...unless "twisted" is to be taken literally, which I sort of get from the "um" and he ends up hanging himself or being strangled or....something. But I feel that would a cop-out.
How do you think he will die? Or rather, at whose hands?
An Other? (n.p.i.)
Dang...now that the last one has occured to me, I kind of like it! And there's a ton of twisted potential there!
It has to be Cooper - the big question is who pulls the proverbial (or literal..) trigger? My money is on Locke, but how twisted could it be? What could be more twisted than Nikki being buried alive? Twisted a word that I really like, and "dark" usually spells "amazing" in my book....and I like how, even though I know these spoilers, my jaw will still be on the ground at the end of the episode. ...unless "twisted" is to be taken literally, which I sort of get from the "um" and he ends up hanging himself or being strangled or....something. But I feel that would a cop-out.
How do you think he will die? Or rather, at whose hands?
An Other? (n.p.i.)
Dang...now that the last one has occured to me, I kind of like it! And there's a ton of twisted potential there!
Question: Help me out here. I’m four months pregnant and need as much Lost scoop as possible!— Allyson
Ausiello: How 'bout I give you four "Brig" scoops — one for each month you've been knocked up:
2. This is just interesting, because it sounds like its going places that I want to be
3. We have already seen that this is in fact Locke...hehe
4. Oh joy...more Skate sex.....at least they seem to be an established couple, and the angstallelogram seems to have migrated south....temporarily, anyway.
1) A classic Lost set piece makes a comeback.
2) Keep your eyes on Juliet's tape recorder. It's goin' places.
3) Someone poses this question to Sawyer: "Wanna zip your pants up?"
4) There's a little post-coitus canoodling within the first five minutes (and it may or may not be related to No. 3).
2. This is just interesting, because it sounds like its going places that I want to be
3. We have already seen that this is in fact Locke...hehe
4. Oh joy...more Skate sex.....at least they seem to be an established couple, and the angstallelogram seems to have migrated south....temporarily, anyway.
Question: Am I wrong to suspect that Jack will be one of the five Lost deaths you have been speaking of?— Brandon
Ausiello: Yes, you would be wrong to suspect that. Jack is not dying. And remember, I said there will be at least five deaths this month — four after tonight.
Bummer...I knew they wouldn't do it. Four doesn't seem like a very high number of casualties for a war. Is that like....four main characters? As in people who have had flashbacks? Because I can't even begin to imagine....although I do have a list x.x
Bummer...I knew they wouldn't do it. Four doesn't seem like a very high number of casualties for a war. Is that like....four main characters? As in people who have had flashbacks? Because I can't even begin to imagine....although I do have a list x.x
Question: Did we see the "game-changing" moment on last week's Lost when Naomi revealed that the outside world had found Flight 815 and that there were no survivors?— Louis
Ausiello: Take it away, Damon Lindelof: "Nope. Not yet. Trust us.... YOU. WILL. KNOW."
Once again, I can't even imagine what this could possibly be! I really thought that was it, and I was like "FINALLY! The thing they've been not telling us about!" Apparently not. I'm pretty sure it will come in either the Benback or the finale....can we get something intesnse before the finale...PLEASE?
....oh, thats right - 'DA BRIG is on in less than twenty four hours!
Once again, I can't even imagine what this could possibly be! I really thought that was it, and I was like "FINALLY! The thing they've been not telling us about!" Apparently not. I'm pretty sure it will come in either the Benback or the finale....can we get something intesnse before the finale...PLEASE?
....oh, thats right - 'DA BRIG is on in less than twenty four hours!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Longest two days of my LIFE ***SPOILERS mixed with theorization***
I'm so impatient! I'm way too excited about this episode, and I'm not really sure why - I just have this gut feeling that this episode will be even better than Tallahassee....thats right, I said it. So here's my awesome speculation about events that will transpire in this episode.
-The jungle trek gang will bring Naomi back to the beach, and not tell anyone. Charlie will want to tell Jack, but Dezzie will talk him out of it. Jack will somehow get wind of the fact that his people do not trust him. He will provide "undisputable" evidence that he is trustworthy. This evidence will later turn out to be quite disputable, but not yet. Perhaps not this episode. Perhaps he will prove himself by exposing Juliet. I just feel like they're playing up that Jack cannot be trusted, and its way too early to reveal that for sure.
*The following paragraph is based entirely upon my assumption that Anthony Cooper, whom I affectionately refer to as Coop, is the real Sawyer. To avoid confusion, James "Sawyer" Ford will be hereafter referred to as simply James.*
-Locke will kidnap Coop, tell James that its Benry, and tell him to kill him. Now this is what I think will happen, but I'm not sure why. In my mind, James would be much more prone to kill the man whom he has been hunting his entire life, who made him into this despisable character that he has become...than someone who punched him in the face a few times and kept him in a polar bear cage for a few days....I mean sure, Ben sucks, but lets look at who is the lesser of two evils here! x.x Also, I would like to know how Locke knows that Cooper is Sawyer.
Here I must place a disclaimer. I.am.dumb. I've been hearing these theories that Cooper is the real Sawyer since the episode (I honestly have no idea which episode it was) where Locke asked James why he chose the name "Sawyer." They also noted that Locke had refused to call him Sawyer since finding out his real name. I was unfazed. I thought that this whole Cooper is Sawyer theory was the dumbest thing I had ever heard, and that people were reaching and being ridiculous and jumping to crazy conclusions, and all kind of stuff that I gladly sit on now. Even though we're not one hundred percent sure that that is the way events will play out, I could not be more convinced. So if you were one of those original people who came up with the theory when that first episode aired, I commend you - you told me so.
To continue, I don't understand how Locke knows that Cooper is the original Sawyer, and I hope that they give a good explanation in this episode. Honestly I just really hope that it plays out that he IS in fact the real Sawyer. The writers have done just enough in dropping subtle hints in previous episodes that it would be really impressive to see it pay off now.
3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain
How pumped is everyone for this episode? I don't know if I can handle the rest of this season...and then the withdrawal that will certainly follow. This episode is - thats right - BEN-centric. While I'm mildly dissapointed that this won't be the finale, I'm just glad its finally happening. The title is wonderful already - I love when they play up the allusions to The Wizard of Oz. Then we get the guest list. Tom, Alex, Richard, and *sigh* Patchy (I still refuse to call him anything else, even though Mikhail is fun to say) are all back, but the plot thickens. We see a young Ben (someone PLEASE tell me if this kid was on Heroes tonight, I refuse to give up hope that it wasn't him), and *gasp* Roger Linus. Fingers crossed that this will be Roger Workman, and I will be quite surprised if its not. How could he be related to Ben? Father? Brother? Uncle? Second cousin thrice removed? Only time will tell, but a little speculation never hurt anyone. If it is his father, that sort of destroys that cool theory that Ben is the son of the DeGroots. Maaaaybe Roger is just a lonely guy who worked on the island, and he adopted the DeGroots son! Ooooh, I just came up with that as I was typing it, and I smell a crackpot theory! Anywho, we also have Carrie Preston, Michael Emerson's real wife, playing a character named Emily. Another theory which I have just devised is that she plays his wife on the show as well, and she was one of the women who died in pregnancy. I do believed we've been promised information on Benry's seemly non-existant love life. This would also explain why he was so passionate about Juliet accomplishing her task. I need to stop thinking more often! We also have Samantha Mathis as Olivia and Doug Hutchison as Horace. According to Dark UFO, my spoiler bible, these will NOT be the character's names in the episode. This can mean only one thing in my mind - Gerald and Karen DeGroot. The characters are both described as "embodying a hippie idealism." "Horace" is even described as a scientist. I've alraedy given my theory on the role these two will play, so (uncharacteristically) I won't repeat myself. Last but not least, we have a little girl named Annie and played by Madeline Carroll (love that last name!). I speculate that this will be Ben's sister, as she bears a visible resemblance to the actor playing young Ben. I also speculate that she dies young, and it traumatizes poor little Benry in some way, helping him become the twisted manipulation machine we know so well.
Wow, two theories in one paragraph!
The official episode description reads as such : "Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public."
That first sentence is mind-blowing. Other than the three letter sequence of B-words that made me glad I wasn't reading this out loud, how ridiculous is it that we might get to see Jacob? I totally expected that to be season finale material. I have heard, and I believe it may have been from the producer's, that Jacob will NOT be someone that we have ever seen before. A little dissapointing, as I think there were many optional people that we have met who could have been Jacob. Of course I'm sure it wil be better this way, I personally just can't wait to see...wait for it....the man behind the curtain.
Oh I'm so original....
3.21 Greatest Hits
Of course, this is the Charlie-centric episode. Lets go through the guest list first again, since the press release was just....er.....released today. Lets get through the un-interesting people first...Alex, Karl, Danielle, Richard Alpert, Naomi, and Liam (as well as young Liam, and young Charlie for that matter) all make a return this episode. We'll also see a first appearance of a character named Simon Pace, whom I believe we can assume is Charlie's father. This is very interesting to me, because Charlie is one of the only characters in the series who seemed exempt from daddy issues, and maybe that will change after this week. We get to see two new characters named Roderick(no IMDB available for him) and Pryce (Ryan Price on IMDB), both of which sound like flashbck Brits to me. I recall hearing that we would see Charlie at a University in this episode, perhaps this will be a professor and a college buddy? Also two female characters named Greta and Bonnie (both uncredited on IMDB). I suppose the only other explanation could be that they are others, but I tend to lean towards the possibility of the flashback characters. And of course, I saved the best for last - though its hard to decide between these two (three). I have less to about the first one (two), so I'll cover them first. Three words - Rose and Bernard. All I have to say about that is YAY! I have a feeling that this will be a sort of touch base background role, and not anything important. I'm very glad to have them back, though. Which leaves me with one person - Andrea Gabriel as Nadia. Make of that what you will. There was a spoiler video that showed Charlie helping a woman who had been mugged, and it was revealed that this was Naomi. Some people are speculating that this was in fact Nadia, and the source was mistaken. I would much rather believe that the smoke monster manifests itself as Nadia in dealings with Sayid, though I have a hard time believing that Nadia would show up but Shannon wouldn't. But thats probably the Shooner in me thinking. While I don't want Sayid to die, it would be pretty cool =x Another solution is that Nadia makes an appearance on the island, which would be amazing (as it would be if anyone from flashbacks showed up on the island, a la Coop).
So this is the episode that has been played up as the death episode, and I'm ready to start taking bets. We have been told that the death will be "shocking." Some have speculated that the word "shocking" could be applied literally, and Charlie could die via electrocution. We have heard from Dom that there will be a scenario with connecting wires underwater. I think that would be a cop-out. I will be geuinely shocked if anyone besides Charlie dies, simply because its a Charlie flashback, and I've been waiting for them to stop doing the flashback kill since Two For the Road. I suppose there might be a way to make Charlie's death come as a surprise, though I can't think of one. Other characters who seem to be on the chopping block are Sayid, Desmond, Claire, Jin, Juliet, or Ben. Or Rose. How insane would it be if we haven't seen these characters for...well a long time, and they brought them back to reveal that Rose's cancer has returned...ouch. I do have a feeling that if one of the characters I mentioned doesn't die in this episode, they bite it in the finale.
Another spoiler that is pretty old and has been driving me INSANE is this one, straight from the Junkie's mouth. On an interview with Britain's Richard and Judy, Dom divulged this little gem of info : "Charlie will play an important role in the finale without him physically being there." How that could possibly not mean death is over my head, but make of it what you will. We've also gotten some awesome spoilers from Kirtin's interviews, particularly one that Charlie will get himself into a situation where he's being tortured.....tortured? By who? Surely not Sayid, though he is our friendly neighborhood torturer. I suppose it could be one of the Others, but who? And more importantly, why? What could Charlie know that they don't already? My guess is something good!
I didn't care enough about D.O.C. to make a pun list, but how cool was that ending? I knew it was coming, and my head still exploded a little bit! Also, I started relapsing when Naomi's lung collapsed - deja vu in the worst way! (Come on, you HAVE to expect this from me by now!) I will make up for this week's lack of review with an audio podcast after The Brig this week, and probably one after all the remaining episodes this season, schedule permitting. So be sure to listen for that, because I'm excited! Also, I'm waiting for juuuuust the right time to announce my big plans, so keep an eye out for that, and let me know if you want to help - there will be many opportunities to do so! Also, I would really love to acquire some sort of small fan base, so if you read this and would do any form of promotion for me, that would be wonderful! I have yet to recieve any graphics or site content, so....lets change that. Until Wednesday! <3
-The jungle trek gang will bring Naomi back to the beach, and not tell anyone. Charlie will want to tell Jack, but Dezzie will talk him out of it. Jack will somehow get wind of the fact that his people do not trust him. He will provide "undisputable" evidence that he is trustworthy. This evidence will later turn out to be quite disputable, but not yet. Perhaps not this episode. Perhaps he will prove himself by exposing Juliet. I just feel like they're playing up that Jack cannot be trusted, and its way too early to reveal that for sure.
*The following paragraph is based entirely upon my assumption that Anthony Cooper, whom I affectionately refer to as Coop, is the real Sawyer. To avoid confusion, James "Sawyer" Ford will be hereafter referred to as simply James.*
-Locke will kidnap Coop, tell James that its Benry, and tell him to kill him. Now this is what I think will happen, but I'm not sure why. In my mind, James would be much more prone to kill the man whom he has been hunting his entire life, who made him into this despisable character that he has become...than someone who punched him in the face a few times and kept him in a polar bear cage for a few days....I mean sure, Ben sucks, but lets look at who is the lesser of two evils here! x.x Also, I would like to know how Locke knows that Cooper is Sawyer.
Here I must place a disclaimer. I.am.dumb. I've been hearing these theories that Cooper is the real Sawyer since the episode (I honestly have no idea which episode it was) where Locke asked James why he chose the name "Sawyer." They also noted that Locke had refused to call him Sawyer since finding out his real name. I was unfazed. I thought that this whole Cooper is Sawyer theory was the dumbest thing I had ever heard, and that people were reaching and being ridiculous and jumping to crazy conclusions, and all kind of stuff that I gladly sit on now. Even though we're not one hundred percent sure that that is the way events will play out, I could not be more convinced. So if you were one of those original people who came up with the theory when that first episode aired, I commend you - you told me so.
To continue, I don't understand how Locke knows that Cooper is the original Sawyer, and I hope that they give a good explanation in this episode. Honestly I just really hope that it plays out that he IS in fact the real Sawyer. The writers have done just enough in dropping subtle hints in previous episodes that it would be really impressive to see it pay off now.
3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain
How pumped is everyone for this episode? I don't know if I can handle the rest of this season...and then the withdrawal that will certainly follow. This episode is - thats right - BEN-centric. While I'm mildly dissapointed that this won't be the finale, I'm just glad its finally happening. The title is wonderful already - I love when they play up the allusions to The Wizard of Oz. Then we get the guest list. Tom, Alex, Richard, and *sigh* Patchy (I still refuse to call him anything else, even though Mikhail is fun to say) are all back, but the plot thickens. We see a young Ben (someone PLEASE tell me if this kid was on Heroes tonight, I refuse to give up hope that it wasn't him), and *gasp* Roger Linus. Fingers crossed that this will be Roger Workman, and I will be quite surprised if its not. How could he be related to Ben? Father? Brother? Uncle? Second cousin thrice removed? Only time will tell, but a little speculation never hurt anyone. If it is his father, that sort of destroys that cool theory that Ben is the son of the DeGroots. Maaaaybe Roger is just a lonely guy who worked on the island, and he adopted the DeGroots son! Ooooh, I just came up with that as I was typing it, and I smell a crackpot theory! Anywho, we also have Carrie Preston, Michael Emerson's real wife, playing a character named Emily. Another theory which I have just devised is that she plays his wife on the show as well, and she was one of the women who died in pregnancy. I do believed we've been promised information on Benry's seemly non-existant love life. This would also explain why he was so passionate about Juliet accomplishing her task. I need to stop thinking more often! We also have Samantha Mathis as Olivia and Doug Hutchison as Horace. According to Dark UFO, my spoiler bible, these will NOT be the character's names in the episode. This can mean only one thing in my mind - Gerald and Karen DeGroot. The characters are both described as "embodying a hippie idealism." "Horace" is even described as a scientist. I've alraedy given my theory on the role these two will play, so (uncharacteristically) I won't repeat myself. Last but not least, we have a little girl named Annie and played by Madeline Carroll (love that last name!). I speculate that this will be Ben's sister, as she bears a visible resemblance to the actor playing young Ben. I also speculate that she dies young, and it traumatizes poor little Benry in some way, helping him become the twisted manipulation machine we know so well.
Wow, two theories in one paragraph!
The official episode description reads as such : "Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public."
That first sentence is mind-blowing. Other than the three letter sequence of B-words that made me glad I wasn't reading this out loud, how ridiculous is it that we might get to see Jacob? I totally expected that to be season finale material. I have heard, and I believe it may have been from the producer's, that Jacob will NOT be someone that we have ever seen before. A little dissapointing, as I think there were many optional people that we have met who could have been Jacob. Of course I'm sure it wil be better this way, I personally just can't wait to see...wait for it....the man behind the curtain.
Oh I'm so original....
3.21 Greatest Hits
Of course, this is the Charlie-centric episode. Lets go through the guest list first again, since the press release was just....er.....released today. Lets get through the un-interesting people first...Alex, Karl, Danielle, Richard Alpert, Naomi, and Liam (as well as young Liam, and young Charlie for that matter) all make a return this episode. We'll also see a first appearance of a character named Simon Pace, whom I believe we can assume is Charlie's father. This is very interesting to me, because Charlie is one of the only characters in the series who seemed exempt from daddy issues, and maybe that will change after this week. We get to see two new characters named Roderick(no IMDB available for him) and Pryce (Ryan Price on IMDB), both of which sound like flashbck Brits to me. I recall hearing that we would see Charlie at a University in this episode, perhaps this will be a professor and a college buddy? Also two female characters named Greta and Bonnie (both uncredited on IMDB). I suppose the only other explanation could be that they are others, but I tend to lean towards the possibility of the flashback characters. And of course, I saved the best for last - though its hard to decide between these two (three). I have less to about the first one (two), so I'll cover them first. Three words - Rose and Bernard. All I have to say about that is YAY! I have a feeling that this will be a sort of touch base background role, and not anything important. I'm very glad to have them back, though. Which leaves me with one person - Andrea Gabriel as Nadia. Make of that what you will. There was a spoiler video that showed Charlie helping a woman who had been mugged, and it was revealed that this was Naomi. Some people are speculating that this was in fact Nadia, and the source was mistaken. I would much rather believe that the smoke monster manifests itself as Nadia in dealings with Sayid, though I have a hard time believing that Nadia would show up but Shannon wouldn't. But thats probably the Shooner in me thinking. While I don't want Sayid to die, it would be pretty cool =x Another solution is that Nadia makes an appearance on the island, which would be amazing (as it would be if anyone from flashbacks showed up on the island, a la Coop).
So this is the episode that has been played up as the death episode, and I'm ready to start taking bets. We have been told that the death will be "shocking." Some have speculated that the word "shocking" could be applied literally, and Charlie could die via electrocution. We have heard from Dom that there will be a scenario with connecting wires underwater. I think that would be a cop-out. I will be geuinely shocked if anyone besides Charlie dies, simply because its a Charlie flashback, and I've been waiting for them to stop doing the flashback kill since Two For the Road. I suppose there might be a way to make Charlie's death come as a surprise, though I can't think of one. Other characters who seem to be on the chopping block are Sayid, Desmond, Claire, Jin, Juliet, or Ben. Or Rose. How insane would it be if we haven't seen these characters for...well a long time, and they brought them back to reveal that Rose's cancer has returned...ouch. I do have a feeling that if one of the characters I mentioned doesn't die in this episode, they bite it in the finale.
Another spoiler that is pretty old and has been driving me INSANE is this one, straight from the Junkie's mouth. On an interview with Britain's Richard and Judy, Dom divulged this little gem of info : "Charlie will play an important role in the finale without him physically being there." How that could possibly not mean death is over my head, but make of it what you will. We've also gotten some awesome spoilers from Kirtin's interviews, particularly one that Charlie will get himself into a situation where he's being tortured.....tortured? By who? Surely not Sayid, though he is our friendly neighborhood torturer. I suppose it could be one of the Others, but who? And more importantly, why? What could Charlie know that they don't already? My guess is something good!
I didn't care enough about D.O.C. to make a pun list, but how cool was that ending? I knew it was coming, and my head still exploded a little bit! Also, I started relapsing when Naomi's lung collapsed - deja vu in the worst way! (Come on, you HAVE to expect this from me by now!) I will make up for this week's lack of review with an audio podcast after The Brig this week, and probably one after all the remaining episodes this season, schedule permitting. So be sure to listen for that, because I'm excited! Also, I'm waiting for juuuuust the right time to announce my big plans, so keep an eye out for that, and let me know if you want to help - there will be many opportunities to do so! Also, I would really love to acquire some sort of small fan base, so if you read this and would do any form of promotion for me, that would be wonderful! I have yet to recieve any graphics or site content, so....lets change that. Until Wednesday! <3
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
****HUGE Spoiler/Rumor*****
I wasn't especially looking forward to tomorrow's episode. I was sort of just hoping we could skip to The Brig, and maybe find out who the baby daddy is through casual conversation. Then Kristen dropped this lovely little gem of a spoiler....and this (and my further elaboration upon it) could be the huge story bomb that we've been hearing about since the hiatus...so DON'T READ if you don't want to know! You have been warned.
The rest of you may want to sit down.
Here is the quote from Kristen :
"She (Marsha Thomason, aka Naomi, aka The Parachutist) is a major twist to the plot from that I hear. I also hear that this week, there will be a shocking moment the fallen angel (Naomi) tells Hurley the fate of the real Oceanic flight 815"
Whoa...the what of the what!?!? So of course I have been puzzling over that ever since it came out. Then it is closely followed by this one. It is interesting to note that this originated on Spoilerfix.com, a highly reputable site, but the source is some random person named Matt. So this part isn't really certain yet. It sounds entirely viable to me, though, so here it is :
"At the close of the episode our beloved cast aways will inform the parachute girl that they are surviviors of Oceanic flight 815. The parachute girl will give them the unfortunate information that what they've just told her is impossible seeing as how the wreckage of that flight was found and recovered, and there were no survivors."
Can you even imagine! Of course, I'm sure this theory has been around for awhile, but it just feels like them telling us this would be insanity. I'm willing to believe it 99% - because the only thing that is certain on Lost is entertainment. Do you guys think, if this happens, that it will be the story bomb that we've been hearing about for ages? It sounds HUGE to me.
The rest of you may want to sit down.
Here is the quote from Kristen :
"She (Marsha Thomason, aka Naomi, aka The Parachutist) is a major twist to the plot from that I hear. I also hear that this week, there will be a shocking moment the fallen angel (Naomi) tells Hurley the fate of the real Oceanic flight 815"
Whoa...the what of the what!?!? So of course I have been puzzling over that ever since it came out. Then it is closely followed by this one. It is interesting to note that this originated on Spoilerfix.com, a highly reputable site, but the source is some random person named Matt. So this part isn't really certain yet. It sounds entirely viable to me, though, so here it is :
"At the close of the episode our beloved cast aways will inform the parachute girl that they are surviviors of Oceanic flight 815. The parachute girl will give them the unfortunate information that what they've just told her is impossible seeing as how the wreckage of that flight was found and recovered, and there were no survivors."
Can you even imagine! Of course, I'm sure this theory has been around for awhile, but it just feels like them telling us this would be insanity. I'm willing to believe it 99% - because the only thing that is certain on Lost is entertainment. Do you guys think, if this happens, that it will be the story bomb that we've been hearing about for ages? It sounds HUGE to me.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...
Oh Lord.
That was a solid episode. The flashback story wasn't particularly gripping, but there were a lot of smaller things to take in that made me like it - more on that later. The main story was pretty great, and even the shippy island subplot was entertaining. You could really feel that this episode was another "calm before the storm" episode, though this may be the last one as we might have finally seen the storm - arriving via parachute.
I'm going to start a new tradition for this episode and start expressing myself in the two ways I know best - random lists and awful puns.
1. Jurley is love
I adore the quad of characters that went on this week's jungle expedition. Hurley and Charlie discussing the Flash and Superman? Be still, my fangirl heart.....There may have been all sorts of spoon licking beach action in this episode, but the only couple I cared about was Jin and Hurley. There have been several scenes lately where Jin will say something in Korean, and Hurley will not understand, but respond as though he does. A la expose
Jin: *Korean*
Hurley : Yeah, I know!
But the ghost story tonight was so hilarious. The look on poor Hurley's face, and the knowledge that he had no idea what Jin was talking about....wonderful.
2. Wanna spoon?
Jack shooting down Kate's spoon lick was eye-roll inducing at first, but then I started thinking. Remember season two Jack? The Jack who wasn't sorry that Kate kissed him? The Jack who turned into a puddle when he caught Kate getting out of the shower? The Jack who cared about his people and what happened to them? Clearly we're dealing with a new person - at least for now. In other news, I was very dissapointed that Sawyer was sort of okay with being used...I had so hoped that when Kate put the moves on him, he would get wise and tell her she couldn't have her spoon and lick it too....but apparently she can...God, thats a terrible mental image....The ping pong match between Sawyer and Jack was the next step in this symbolism fest. The ping pong match sort of represented the upper hand - Sawyer had taken Jack's place as the new beach leader, and he even scored the Doctor's girlfriend. He was even winning at some form of a contest. He's sitting pretty and apparently loving it. Only one problem Jack couldn't care less. He even tells Sawyer that the fact that he won isn't really something to be proud of. That goes a lot deeper than table tennis.
3. Oh Brotha....
The flashback was mildly interesting. A lot of us thought that we would get to see Desmond's life in the army, and we got the exact opposite - turns out he was a temporary monk. One thing I will say for this flashback is that it tied into the island story like few flashbacks have managed to. The story of Abraham and Isaac was a perfect match for the Desmond and Charlie plot. The Moriah Vineyard was a great reference, but it didn't really mean anything...it was just there to be neat and make people like me say "Hey! Thats the mountain where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac!" One thing I will say is that, while I usually love the random number references, 108 bottles sounded especially forced and awkward there - and I can't help wondering if it was meant to. I liked meeting Ruth, but Kenneth was another story. I understand that you're upset that this guy has hurt your lover's feelings, but if he had never done so, she wouldn't be your lover...so.....I personally think you should be thanking him in a weird, cosmic, LOST way....The last scene of the show took my breath away, quite literally. I didn't inhale until the "LOST" title came up at the end of the episode. I knew what was going to happen, but somehow I was still thinking "My god....what if that really is Penny...and what if she really is dead? How utterly tragic would that be?" and I felt tears welling in my eyes. Moments like this are exactly what make the show. The other thing that makes the show appeared about one minute and eight seconds prior, and it gets its own number.
4. Friends don't let friends photoshop mugshots and personal photographs
When Desmond was "fired" from the cloth, he went to return his robes and bir farewell to his superior. The one who told him that monk-hood wasn't his destiny. That he was going to do something bigger and better, and that he shouldn't regret walking away from this particular path. Sound familiar? Well it looked familar, too, about five seconds later when the camera lingered oddly over a photograph on the Abbot's desk. Could it be? Of course, this is Lost we're talking about! In said photograph we see the Abbey and Abbot accompanied by none other than Ms. Hawking from the ring shop. Take a second and third look at that photograph if you haven't already. It is very very strange looking. Ms. Hawking was one of my favorite flashback characters, and I have been eagerly awaiting her return. My head is still spinning from this one moment. Could she know the Abbot by circumstance? Are they related? Did they somehow conspire to bring Desmond to the right path? Did the Abbot know that if Desmond became a monk, he would meet Penny. And if he met Penny, he would eventually wander into that ring shop? Oooh, the possibilities.
5. Just parachute me
This is gonna be short and sweet (compared to the rest). My theory, which some people share, but this was my initial reaction before reading other people's theories, is this. The parachutist was Penny. Desmond saw this in his flashes, even though it wasn't revealed to us in the episode. The photograph was inside of the book because Penny had it. Everything was going great for Des, until he saved Charlie - thus "changing the picture on the box." Penny wasn't in it anymore, but since it only changed a bit, we get one of her associates instead. I had this great thought that didn't play out that once he saw that it wasn't Penny, he would reach for the photograph, but it would be gone. I suppose it could still happen next week, but you can bet I won't be holding my breath.
This week will be a filler episode for me....they could tell me that Jacob was Kate's horse, and I would still only want to see The Brig. But lets talk about next week anyway, since they're making me wait.
So lets make sure we get this out there....we will find out who the baby daddy is this Wednesday. Somehow I have a feeling that we'll find out that its Jin, just like we found out in I Do that Kate chose Sawyer (ie: we won't really),....in which case I will be angry. The title of course is "D.O.C." or "Date of Conception." So I guess that is how we find out - Juliet determines the d.o.c., and based on that date there is only one person that the baby daddy could be. Although I don't know who that could be....I'm still a little dissapointed that it won't be Michael - I wanted the Dave LaChapelle commercial to mean something....Its interesting to note that Jae Lee won't be in this episode (Can I take this time to note that I met someone named Jae Lee the other day? It was spelled the same and everything. You can imagine the look of shocked ecstasy on my fangirl face), although that doesn't rule him out as the father. In Kristen's interview, she reminded Yunjin that she had presviously said that she and Daniel were told conflicting stories from the producers - one was told the Jin was the father, the other was told he was not. When Kristen asked who had been given the right information, Yunjin replied that they both were. This leads me to believe one of two things : a.) Yunjin Kim knows how to get fans talking, or b.) This was not your standard conception. I tend to lean toward b, but then I wonder what could be different about it, and thousands of shark jumping scenarios enter my mind...so.....I guess we'll find out in two days.
Here's an updated overview at whats to come the rest of the season:
3.18 - D.O.C. (Jin and Sun centric)
3.19 The Brig (Locke centric, featuring on island flashbacks)
3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben centric)
3.21 Greatest Hits (Charlie centric)
3.22 Through The Looking Glass (Jack centric, 2 hour finale airing at 9:00 et, preceeded by a clip show at 8:00 et)
I have something really exciting and pretty big coming up to keep everyone entertained over the unfairly long hiatus, and I would like to get as many fans as possible involved - and there are lots of different ways to be a part of this. I'll be talking about it more as the season winds down, but if you'd like to know about that, just ask me and I'll make sure to involve you somehow.
Let me know what you think of the new format for the site, with the text reviews and a podcast for select episodes. I can almost guarantee that I will not be doing a podcast this week, but that I will be doing one the following week. But hey - my expectations for this episode are pretty low, so maybe that will help. Don't forget to leave me some nice (or not so nice) commentary, and if you ever want to talk Lost, my screen name on AIM is heartsandminds13. Also, if you send me ANYTHING graphics related, it WILL be displayed on this site.
'Till Wednesday, namaste <3
That was a solid episode. The flashback story wasn't particularly gripping, but there were a lot of smaller things to take in that made me like it - more on that later. The main story was pretty great, and even the shippy island subplot was entertaining. You could really feel that this episode was another "calm before the storm" episode, though this may be the last one as we might have finally seen the storm - arriving via parachute.
I'm going to start a new tradition for this episode and start expressing myself in the two ways I know best - random lists and awful puns.
1. Jurley is love
I adore the quad of characters that went on this week's jungle expedition. Hurley and Charlie discussing the Flash and Superman? Be still, my fangirl heart.....There may have been all sorts of spoon licking beach action in this episode, but the only couple I cared about was Jin and Hurley. There have been several scenes lately where Jin will say something in Korean, and Hurley will not understand, but respond as though he does. A la expose
Jin: *Korean*
Hurley : Yeah, I know!
But the ghost story tonight was so hilarious. The look on poor Hurley's face, and the knowledge that he had no idea what Jin was talking about....wonderful.
2. Wanna spoon?
Jack shooting down Kate's spoon lick was eye-roll inducing at first, but then I started thinking. Remember season two Jack? The Jack who wasn't sorry that Kate kissed him? The Jack who turned into a puddle when he caught Kate getting out of the shower? The Jack who cared about his people and what happened to them? Clearly we're dealing with a new person - at least for now. In other news, I was very dissapointed that Sawyer was sort of okay with being used...I had so hoped that when Kate put the moves on him, he would get wise and tell her she couldn't have her spoon and lick it too....but apparently she can...God, thats a terrible mental image....The ping pong match between Sawyer and Jack was the next step in this symbolism fest. The ping pong match sort of represented the upper hand - Sawyer had taken Jack's place as the new beach leader, and he even scored the Doctor's girlfriend. He was even winning at some form of a contest. He's sitting pretty and apparently loving it. Only one problem Jack couldn't care less. He even tells Sawyer that the fact that he won isn't really something to be proud of. That goes a lot deeper than table tennis.
3. Oh Brotha....
The flashback was mildly interesting. A lot of us thought that we would get to see Desmond's life in the army, and we got the exact opposite - turns out he was a temporary monk. One thing I will say for this flashback is that it tied into the island story like few flashbacks have managed to. The story of Abraham and Isaac was a perfect match for the Desmond and Charlie plot. The Moriah Vineyard was a great reference, but it didn't really mean anything...it was just there to be neat and make people like me say "Hey! Thats the mountain where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac!" One thing I will say is that, while I usually love the random number references, 108 bottles sounded especially forced and awkward there - and I can't help wondering if it was meant to. I liked meeting Ruth, but Kenneth was another story. I understand that you're upset that this guy has hurt your lover's feelings, but if he had never done so, she wouldn't be your lover...so.....I personally think you should be thanking him in a weird, cosmic, LOST way....The last scene of the show took my breath away, quite literally. I didn't inhale until the "LOST" title came up at the end of the episode. I knew what was going to happen, but somehow I was still thinking "My god....what if that really is Penny...and what if she really is dead? How utterly tragic would that be?" and I felt tears welling in my eyes. Moments like this are exactly what make the show. The other thing that makes the show appeared about one minute and eight seconds prior, and it gets its own number.
4. Friends don't let friends photoshop mugshots and personal photographs
When Desmond was "fired" from the cloth, he went to return his robes and bir farewell to his superior. The one who told him that monk-hood wasn't his destiny. That he was going to do something bigger and better, and that he shouldn't regret walking away from this particular path. Sound familiar? Well it looked familar, too, about five seconds later when the camera lingered oddly over a photograph on the Abbot's desk. Could it be? Of course, this is Lost we're talking about! In said photograph we see the Abbey and Abbot accompanied by none other than Ms. Hawking from the ring shop. Take a second and third look at that photograph if you haven't already. It is very very strange looking. Ms. Hawking was one of my favorite flashback characters, and I have been eagerly awaiting her return. My head is still spinning from this one moment. Could she know the Abbot by circumstance? Are they related? Did they somehow conspire to bring Desmond to the right path? Did the Abbot know that if Desmond became a monk, he would meet Penny. And if he met Penny, he would eventually wander into that ring shop? Oooh, the possibilities.
5. Just parachute me
This is gonna be short and sweet (compared to the rest). My theory, which some people share, but this was my initial reaction before reading other people's theories, is this. The parachutist was Penny. Desmond saw this in his flashes, even though it wasn't revealed to us in the episode. The photograph was inside of the book because Penny had it. Everything was going great for Des, until he saved Charlie - thus "changing the picture on the box." Penny wasn't in it anymore, but since it only changed a bit, we get one of her associates instead. I had this great thought that didn't play out that once he saw that it wasn't Penny, he would reach for the photograph, but it would be gone. I suppose it could still happen next week, but you can bet I won't be holding my breath.
This week will be a filler episode for me....they could tell me that Jacob was Kate's horse, and I would still only want to see The Brig. But lets talk about next week anyway, since they're making me wait.
So lets make sure we get this out there....we will find out who the baby daddy is this Wednesday. Somehow I have a feeling that we'll find out that its Jin, just like we found out in I Do that Kate chose Sawyer (ie: we won't really),....in which case I will be angry. The title of course is "D.O.C." or "Date of Conception." So I guess that is how we find out - Juliet determines the d.o.c., and based on that date there is only one person that the baby daddy could be. Although I don't know who that could be....I'm still a little dissapointed that it won't be Michael - I wanted the Dave LaChapelle commercial to mean something....Its interesting to note that Jae Lee won't be in this episode (Can I take this time to note that I met someone named Jae Lee the other day? It was spelled the same and everything. You can imagine the look of shocked ecstasy on my fangirl face), although that doesn't rule him out as the father. In Kristen's interview, she reminded Yunjin that she had presviously said that she and Daniel were told conflicting stories from the producers - one was told the Jin was the father, the other was told he was not. When Kristen asked who had been given the right information, Yunjin replied that they both were. This leads me to believe one of two things : a.) Yunjin Kim knows how to get fans talking, or b.) This was not your standard conception. I tend to lean toward b, but then I wonder what could be different about it, and thousands of shark jumping scenarios enter my mind...so.....I guess we'll find out in two days.
Here's an updated overview at whats to come the rest of the season:
3.18 - D.O.C. (Jin and Sun centric)
3.19 The Brig (Locke centric, featuring on island flashbacks)
3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben centric)
3.21 Greatest Hits (Charlie centric)
3.22 Through The Looking Glass (Jack centric, 2 hour finale airing at 9:00 et, preceeded by a clip show at 8:00 et)
I have something really exciting and pretty big coming up to keep everyone entertained over the unfairly long hiatus, and I would like to get as many fans as possible involved - and there are lots of different ways to be a part of this. I'll be talking about it more as the season winds down, but if you'd like to know about that, just ask me and I'll make sure to involve you somehow.
Let me know what you think of the new format for the site, with the text reviews and a podcast for select episodes. I can almost guarantee that I will not be doing a podcast this week, but that I will be doing one the following week. But hey - my expectations for this episode are pretty low, so maybe that will help. Don't forget to leave me some nice (or not so nice) commentary, and if you ever want to talk Lost, my screen name on AIM is heartsandminds13. Also, if you send me ANYTHING graphics related, it WILL be displayed on this site.
'Till Wednesday, namaste <3
Friday, April 13, 2007
As much as I would love to take credit for the sheer genius that is this picture, I completely stole the idea off of someone who entered my "Get Lost" challenge on Lost-Forum. But I love it anyway....*swoone*

My summary of One of Us will be up as soon as I get time to rewatch the episode and write one. Seriously, who has a job and goes to college? .....oh yeah, me =p
Oh, and if you listened to my podcast, I would love comments, good or bad - seriously, I'm a comment whore.
Oh, and if you want to comment on my masterpiece, I'd love you for that as well <333

My summary of One of Us will be up as soon as I get time to rewatch the episode and write one. Seriously, who has a job and goes to college? .....oh yeah, me =p
Oh, and if you listened to my podcast, I would love comments, good or bad - seriously, I'm a comment whore.
Oh, and if you want to comment on my masterpiece, I'd love you for that as well <333
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
*******Spoilerific Alert!*******
So there have been some great spoilers flying around concerning the end of season three - which is insanely close! AAH! Anyway, not all of these are confirmed, but this first one definitely is.
Ausiello updated no more than an hour ago with some of his best Lost spoilers EVER (just because of how much content there was!)
Ausiello updated no more than an hour ago with some of his best Lost spoilers EVER (just because of how much content there was!)
Question : Any chance of some Lost scoop? - Rosin
Ausiello: As a matter of fact, there's a pretty good chance, since I illegally and unethically obtained an advance copy of tonight's Juliet-centric outing. Now, before we get to the spoilers, I feel it's my responsibility to tell you that this is easily the best Lost episode of the season. Bar none. You want answers? This one's got 'em in spades. Not only will we find out how Juliet came to the island, but we'll learn why she stuck around and the reason her people gassed her. And unlike some of the show's other "answers," these make perfect sense in the context of the overall narrative.
We'll also discover that:
* Claire's kidnapping didn't exactly go as planned.
* Juliet carried on an affair with an Other whose name wasn't Ben or Henry.
* There are real feelings between Sawyer and Kate. I know because there's a moment between the two of 'em that made me go all misty-eyed and sniffly, and that's never happened to me while watching these two before.
* Sun's fetus has bigger problems than figuring out who its daddy is.
And stealing a page from Ain't It Cool News' playbook (thanks, Herc; wish I'd thought of it myself!), here are some of the episode's standout quotes:
* "I had the day off."
* "If you choose to stay, I promise you we will *a** ******'* *i**."
* "The last thing either of you needs right now is more blood on your hands."
* "Because I did it to her."
One question this episode didn't answer is which category Elizabeth Mitchell will win her Emmy in: lead or supporting. You've come a long way, Dinah Lee Mayberry.
Question: The whole Kate-Sawyer sex you wrote about in the new issue of TV Guide is just a bad April Fool's joke, right?— Mary
We'll also discover that:
* Claire's kidnapping didn't exactly go as planned.
* Juliet carried on an affair with an Other whose name wasn't Ben or Henry.
* There are real feelings between Sawyer and Kate. I know because there's a moment between the two of 'em that made me go all misty-eyed and sniffly, and that's never happened to me while watching these two before.
* Sun's fetus has bigger problems than figuring out who its daddy is.
And stealing a page from Ain't It Cool News' playbook (thanks, Herc; wish I'd thought of it myself!), here are some of the episode's standout quotes:
* "I had the day off."
* "If you choose to stay, I promise you we will *a** ******'* *i**."
* "The last thing either of you needs right now is more blood on your hands."
* "Because I did it to her."
One question this episode didn't answer is which category Elizabeth Mitchell will win her Emmy in: lead or supporting. You've come a long way, Dinah Lee Mayberry.
Question: The whole Kate-Sawyer sex you wrote about in the new issue of TV Guide is just a bad April Fool's joke, right?— Mary
Ausiello: Do you see me laughing? Do you?
Some things I picked up over at Dark UFO's site:
-The title of the season finale is "Through the Looking Glass" - What a great title. If the finale is Jack, this title will be slight consolation because of the awesome connection to White Rabbit.
-The press release for episode 18, D.O.C. (Jin-centric) will feature Andrew Divoff as a guest star. Thats right - Patchy is back...but what could he possibly be doing in a Sun and Jin flashback. I mean, the only way that we can see dead characters is through the flashbacks of others....and we all know that Patchy is dead......riiiiiight? *evil smirk* I actually shouldn't "evil smirk" there, because if Patchy is alive I'll be pretty dissapointed. Much like I was when he was killed in the first place <.<
To finish of this spoilerific goodness, here's a list of whats to come the rest of the season. There is still a lot of speculation about 19, 20, and 22. This is what my gut is telling me - but my gut isn't that smart...
3.16 - One of Us (Juliet)
3.17 - Catch-22 (Desmond)
3.18 - D.O.C. (Jin)
3.19 - The Brig (Sawyer?)
3.20 - The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben?)
3.21 - Greatest Hits (Charlie)
3.22 - Through the Looking Glass (Jack?)
I've already got some more stuff for next week, but I think this is enough for today! Enjoy the episode tonight, leave your feeback here!
Question: Can you confirm who the Lost finale will center on, Ben or Jack? The rumor mill is going wild with contradictory information.— Maria Brill
Ausiello: It's looking like the finale will be Jack-centric Question: Are Paulo and Nikki really dead on Lost?— Casey
Ausiello: Yes, but don't take my word for it — take Carlton Cuse's: "Paulo and Nikki are definitely dead. Until the zombie season. And neither Paulo nor Boone were gay." Any other questions?
WOW! That first bit was more that enough to make me love him for another week, but then we got THREE MORE spoilers on top of that?! And I thought I couldn't love Ausiello more...<3
I trust Ausiello, and if he says that this is easily the best episode of the season, then I am so stoked.WOW! That first bit was more that enough to make me love him for another week, but then we got THREE MORE spoilers on top of that?! And I thought I couldn't love Ausiello more...<3
Some things I picked up over at Dark UFO's site:
-The title of the season finale is "Through the Looking Glass" - What a great title. If the finale is Jack, this title will be slight consolation because of the awesome connection to White Rabbit.
-The press release for episode 18, D.O.C. (Jin-centric) will feature Andrew Divoff as a guest star. Thats right - Patchy is back...but what could he possibly be doing in a Sun and Jin flashback. I mean, the only way that we can see dead characters is through the flashbacks of others....and we all know that Patchy is dead......riiiiiight? *evil smirk* I actually shouldn't "evil smirk" there, because if Patchy is alive I'll be pretty dissapointed. Much like I was when he was killed in the first place <.<
To finish of this spoilerific goodness, here's a list of whats to come the rest of the season. There is still a lot of speculation about 19, 20, and 22. This is what my gut is telling me - but my gut isn't that smart...
3.16 - One of Us (Juliet)
3.17 - Catch-22 (Desmond)
3.18 - D.O.C. (Jin)
3.19 - The Brig (Sawyer?)
3.20 - The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben?)
3.21 - Greatest Hits (Charlie)
3.22 - Through the Looking Glass (Jack?)
I've already got some more stuff for next week, but I think this is enough for today! Enjoy the episode tonight, leave your feeback here!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
This is it!
I've been waiting for this night for SO long! In about 5 1/2 hours, Expose airs. I've been putting off posting shows for a couple of weeks, because I wanted THIS to be my first episode. So make SURE you come back on Friday. And stop by O's show tonight, you can listen to me gush there, as well =D
....Razzle Dazzle! <3
PS : I turn twenty on Friday...whee e_e (thats an eye-rolling face)
....Razzle Dazzle! <3
PS : I turn twenty on Friday...whee e_e (thats an eye-rolling face)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
What a rush....
So a day later, I'm still completely infatuated with the new episode of Lost. I just did my rewatch/detailed note taking, and tomorrow I will be recording and hopefully posting my first REAL episode. If you have any comment about the episode or my show, reply to this post and I guarantee it will be mentioned in the show. Here's how the format will go:
-Overall reaction
-Detailed summary/observations/theories
-The Numbers/continuity
-Top 5/Top 10/However many tops I have that week
-Listener comments
-Analysis of next week's promo
This week I have a contest! Its actually a bunch of contests - the first is
-Name the segments of my show : I'd love something puntastic. I've been brainstorming for months, and I have nothing
-Make me an intro for my show - brownie points if it includes "Faith" by George Michael
The prize is any kind of shameless plug you want - I'll put a link to your page on my site, I'll mention you on the show...or both. I'll do pretty much anything short of going door to door in a chicken costume.
I know, thats what you were going to ask for
Until tomorrow, faithfuls - namaste <3
-Overall reaction
-Detailed summary/observations/theories
-The Numbers/continuity
-Top 5/Top 10/However many tops I have that week
-Listener comments
-Analysis of next week's promo
This week I have a contest! Its actually a bunch of contests - the first is
-Name the segments of my show : I'd love something puntastic. I've been brainstorming for months, and I have nothing
-Make me an intro for my show - brownie points if it includes "Faith" by George Michael
The prize is any kind of shameless plug you want - I'll put a link to your page on my site, I'll mention you on the show...or both. I'll do pretty much anything short of going door to door in a chicken costume.
I know, thats what you were going to ask for
Until tomorrow, faithfuls - namaste <3
Thursday, January 11, 2007
...or not
Not totally, though! I'm still starting a podcast, I'm just going to wait until after the 2/07 premiere. There have just been too many podcasts that have already discussed these episodes ad naseum, and anything I have will just be reiteration of that...so that isn't cool. In the meantime, watch these two AMAZING trailers for the next season. Read my comments below after you watch them.
The thing from this that jumps out at me in huge neon letters is:
Juliet : I'm going to go help your friends escape
Julet (five seconds later) : Bring them back. If you have to - kill them.
It looks like she's talking to Tom, and someone else? Who else could she possibly be talking about other than Kate and Sawyer? And she just told Jack she was going to help save them....hmmm...I feel like there's a missing piece to this puzzle....
Also, there are some things in the flashes of scenes near the end. It looks like we'll get a look at the moment that Des woke up in the jungle au naturale. There is another scene that I'm VERY curious about where Sawyer (?) is tackling someone by a large set of metal doors, while someone (Kate? Danielle? Alex?) is standing behind him. I care a little less about the who than the where. The doors look like something that would be outside, sort of like the backdoor to a hatch, but it looks like they're in a huge enclosed space, because in the back you can see what appaears to be a window through which sunlight is visible. ....I would LOVE to hear ideas about this scene.
And least interesting of all, but still in the back of my mind....where did that nifty little boat and its nifty little oars come from? Did Alex make it for them?
Okay...I've seen all of this before EXCEPT
Desmond : No matter what I do, you're gonna die
This is ALL speculation, but I have a lot of it. I'm willing to bet that whoever he is talking to, their name starts with a C. I'm willing to bet even more on Charlie, based on what we've seen in some of the previews and Lost Moments. Anyone else have a guess?
The thing from this that jumps out at me in huge neon letters is:
Juliet : I'm going to go help your friends escape
Julet (five seconds later) : Bring them back. If you have to - kill them.
It looks like she's talking to Tom, and someone else? Who else could she possibly be talking about other than Kate and Sawyer? And she just told Jack she was going to help save them....hmmm...I feel like there's a missing piece to this puzzle....
Also, there are some things in the flashes of scenes near the end. It looks like we'll get a look at the moment that Des woke up in the jungle au naturale. There is another scene that I'm VERY curious about where Sawyer (?) is tackling someone by a large set of metal doors, while someone (Kate? Danielle? Alex?) is standing behind him. I care a little less about the who than the where. The doors look like something that would be outside, sort of like the backdoor to a hatch, but it looks like they're in a huge enclosed space, because in the back you can see what appaears to be a window through which sunlight is visible. ....I would LOVE to hear ideas about this scene.
And least interesting of all, but still in the back of my mind....where did that nifty little boat and its nifty little oars come from? Did Alex make it for them?
Okay...I've seen all of this before EXCEPT
Desmond : No matter what I do, you're gonna die
This is ALL speculation, but I have a lot of it. I'm willing to bet that whoever he is talking to, their name starts with a C. I'm willing to bet even more on Charlie, based on what we've seen in some of the previews and Lost Moments. Anyone else have a guess?
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