Monday, April 30, 2007

Longest two days of my LIFE ***SPOILERS mixed with theorization***

I'm so impatient! I'm way too excited about this episode, and I'm not really sure why - I just have this gut feeling that this episode will be even better than Tallahassee....thats right, I said it. So here's my awesome speculation about events that will transpire in this episode.

-The jungle trek gang will bring Naomi back to the beach, and not tell anyone. Charlie will want to tell Jack, but Dezzie will talk him out of it. Jack will somehow get wind of the fact that his people do not trust him. He will provide "undisputable" evidence that he is trustworthy. This evidence will later turn out to be quite disputable, but not yet. Perhaps not this episode. Perhaps he will prove himself by exposing Juliet. I just feel like they're playing up that Jack cannot be trusted, and its way too early to reveal that for sure.

*The following paragraph is based entirely upon my assumption that Anthony Cooper, whom I affectionately refer to as Coop, is the real Sawyer. To avoid confusion, James "Sawyer" Ford will be hereafter referred to as simply James.*

-Locke will kidnap Coop, tell James that its Benry, and tell him to kill him. Now this is what I think will happen, but I'm not sure why. In my mind, James would be much more prone to kill the man whom he has been hunting his entire life, who made him into this despisable character that he has become...than someone who punched him in the face a few times and kept him in a polar bear cage for a few days....I mean sure, Ben sucks, but lets look at who is the lesser of two evils here! x.x Also, I would like to know how Locke knows that Cooper is Sawyer.

Here I must place a disclaimer. I've been hearing these theories that Cooper is the real Sawyer since the episode (I honestly have no idea which episode it was) where Locke asked James why he chose the name "Sawyer." They also noted that Locke had refused to call him Sawyer since finding out his real name. I was unfazed. I thought that this whole Cooper is Sawyer theory was the dumbest thing I had ever heard, and that people were reaching and being ridiculous and jumping to crazy conclusions, and all kind of stuff that I gladly sit on now. Even though we're not one hundred percent sure that that is the way events will play out, I could not be more convinced. So if you were one of those original people who came up with the theory when that first episode aired, I commend you - you told me so.

To continue, I don't understand how Locke knows that Cooper is the original Sawyer, and I hope that they give a good explanation in this episode. Honestly I just really hope that it plays out that he IS in fact the real Sawyer. The writers have done just enough in dropping subtle hints in previous episodes that it would be really impressive to see it pay off now.

3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain

How pumped is everyone for this episode? I don't know if I can handle the rest of this season...and then the withdrawal that will certainly follow. This episode is - thats right - BEN-centric. While I'm mildly dissapointed that this won't be the finale, I'm just glad its finally happening. The title is wonderful already - I love when they play up the allusions to The Wizard of Oz. Then we get the guest list. Tom, Alex, Richard, and *sigh* Patchy (I still refuse to call him anything else, even though Mikhail is fun to say) are all back, but the plot thickens. We see a young Ben (someone PLEASE tell me if this kid was on Heroes tonight, I refuse to give up hope that it wasn't him), and *gasp* Roger Linus. Fingers crossed that this will be Roger Workman, and I will be quite surprised if its not. How could he be related to Ben? Father? Brother? Uncle? Second cousin thrice removed? Only time will tell, but a little speculation never hurt anyone. If it is his father, that sort of destroys that cool theory that Ben is the son of the DeGroots. Maaaaybe Roger is just a lonely guy who worked on the island, and he adopted the DeGroots son! Ooooh, I just came up with that as I was typing it, and I smell a crackpot theory! Anywho, we also have Carrie Preston, Michael Emerson's real wife, playing a character named Emily. Another theory which I have just devised is that she plays his wife on the show as well, and she was one of the women who died in pregnancy. I do believed we've been promised information on Benry's seemly non-existant love life. This would also explain why he was so passionate about Juliet accomplishing her task. I need to stop thinking more often! We also have Samantha Mathis as Olivia and Doug Hutchison as Horace. According to Dark UFO, my spoiler bible, these will NOT be the character's names in the episode. This can mean only one thing in my mind - Gerald and Karen DeGroot. The characters are both described as "embodying a hippie idealism." "Horace" is even described as a scientist. I've alraedy given my theory on the role these two will play, so (uncharacteristically) I won't repeat myself. Last but not least, we have a little girl named Annie and played by Madeline Carroll (love that last name!). I speculate that this will be Ben's sister, as she bears a visible resemblance to the actor playing young Ben. I also speculate that she dies young, and it traumatizes poor little Benry in some way, helping him become the twisted manipulation machine we know so well.

Wow, two theories in one paragraph!

The official episode description reads as such : "Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public."

That first sentence is mind-blowing. Other than the three letter sequence of B-words that made me glad I wasn't reading this out loud, how ridiculous is it that we might get to see Jacob? I totally expected that to be season finale material. I have heard, and I believe it may have been from the producer's, that Jacob will NOT be someone that we have ever seen before. A little dissapointing, as I think there were many optional people that we have met who could have been Jacob. Of course I'm sure it wil be better this way, I personally just can't wait to see...wait for it....the man behind the curtain.

Oh I'm so original....

3.21 Greatest Hits

Of course, this is the Charlie-centric episode. Lets go through the guest list first again, since the press release was today. Lets get through the un-interesting people first...Alex, Karl, Danielle, Richard Alpert, Naomi, and Liam (as well as young Liam, and young Charlie for that matter) all make a return this episode. We'll also see a first appearance of a character named Simon Pace, whom I believe we can assume is Charlie's father. This is very interesting to me, because Charlie is one of the only characters in the series who seemed exempt from daddy issues, and maybe that will change after this week. We get to see two new characters named Roderick(no IMDB available for him) and Pryce (Ryan Price on IMDB), both of which sound like flashbck Brits to me. I recall hearing that we would see Charlie at a University in this episode, perhaps this will be a professor and a college buddy? Also two female characters named Greta and Bonnie (both uncredited on IMDB). I suppose the only other explanation could be that they are others, but I tend to lean towards the possibility of the flashback characters. And of course, I saved the best for last - though its hard to decide between these two (three). I have less to about the first one (two), so I'll cover them first. Three words - Rose and Bernard. All I have to say about that is YAY! I have a feeling that this will be a sort of touch base background role, and not anything important. I'm very glad to have them back, though. Which leaves me with one person - Andrea Gabriel as Nadia. Make of that what you will. There was a spoiler video that showed Charlie helping a woman who had been mugged, and it was revealed that this was Naomi. Some people are speculating that this was in fact Nadia, and the source was mistaken. I would much rather believe that the smoke monster manifests itself as Nadia in dealings with Sayid, though I have a hard time believing that Nadia would show up but Shannon wouldn't. But thats probably the Shooner in me thinking. While I don't want Sayid to die, it would be pretty cool =x Another solution is that Nadia makes an appearance on the island, which would be amazing (as it would be if anyone from flashbacks showed up on the island, a la Coop).

So this is the episode that has been played up as the death episode, and I'm ready to start taking bets. We have been told that the death will be "shocking." Some have speculated that the word "shocking" could be applied literally, and Charlie could die via electrocution. We have heard from Dom that there will be a scenario with connecting wires underwater. I think that would be a cop-out. I will be geuinely shocked if anyone besides Charlie dies, simply because its a Charlie flashback, and I've been waiting for them to stop doing the flashback kill since Two For the Road. I suppose there might be a way to make Charlie's death come as a surprise, though I can't think of one. Other characters who seem to be on the chopping block are Sayid, Desmond, Claire, Jin, Juliet, or Ben. Or Rose. How insane would it be if we haven't seen these characters for...well a long time, and they brought them back to reveal that Rose's cancer has returned...ouch. I do have a feeling that if one of the characters I mentioned doesn't die in this episode, they bite it in the finale.

Another spoiler that is pretty old and has been driving me INSANE is this one, straight from the Junkie's mouth. On an interview with Britain's Richard and Judy, Dom divulged this little gem of info : "Charlie will play an important role in the finale without him physically being there." How that could possibly not mean death is over my head, but make of it what you will. We've also gotten some awesome spoilers from Kirtin's interviews, particularly one that Charlie will get himself into a situation where he's being tortured.....tortured? By who? Surely not Sayid, though he is our friendly neighborhood torturer. I suppose it could be one of the Others, but who? And more importantly, why? What could Charlie know that they don't already? My guess is something good!

I didn't care enough about D.O.C. to make a pun list, but how cool was that ending? I knew it was coming, and my head still exploded a little bit! Also, I started relapsing when Naomi's lung collapsed - deja vu in the worst way! (Come on, you HAVE to expect this from me by now!) I will make up for this week's lack of review with an audio podcast after The Brig this week, and probably one after all the remaining episodes this season, schedule permitting. So be sure to listen for that, because I'm excited! Also, I'm waiting for juuuuust the right time to announce my big plans, so keep an eye out for that, and let me know if you want to help - there will be many opportunities to do so! Also, I would really love to acquire some sort of small fan base, so if you read this and would do any form of promotion for me, that would be wonderful! I have yet to recieve any graphics or site content, so....lets change that. Until Wednesday! <3

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